The Forgotten Realm of The Mystical April of Niles
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Rennie All the Way!

Drench A Wench @ Silver Leaf 2003

The Tudor Costuming Shoppe

Medieval Weapon Art (for garb and MORE!)

154 days until Come see me At the Silver Leaf Renaissance Faire for the charity event Drench a Wench/Soak a Bloke. HELP SAVE OUR JUBBLIES! Come try your luck to drench me and win a kiss!

I'm the Redhead on the Right

Come see my website expanded just for renaissance faires! Tis under construction so any ideas for my site would be welcomed! e-mail me at
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Here is a really cool Renaissance Medieval website. click on the picture if it works, the white square with red x if the picture doesnt work and it will take you to the site!

Treebeard at Silver Leaf 2003

The living Angel Statue at Silver Leaf 2003 (leaf a donation and she'd switch to a new pose!)

Silver Leaf Weekend  Themes for 2004:
July 10-11- Celtic Celebration
July 17-18- Magickal,Mystical Mayhem!
July 24-25- High Seas Adventure
July31-Aug 1- Chivalry and Romance
I hope to see you there!

The Legend of Silver Leaf

 In a time beyond time, when the world was young and magic did still abide, there stretched a vast woodland where the trees put forth leaves of silver and summer was unending. In this ancient realm there dwelled a multitude of beings; each different; each unique. Despite their disparities, these beings lived together without rancor. They used wisdom instead of weapons in the settling of their quarrels.

Time, as it is wont to do, moved onward in this realm. Little by little, the magical places shrank as men nibbled at the edges of the vast forest with ax and flame. One by one, the mighty, silver-leaved trees died, slain by the greed and carelessness of man, until only a small portion of the once boundless wood remained.

The Queen of Silver Leaf wept to see the destruction of her home. She knew that soon all of her people would fade and pass from the sight of man, that the magic of the forest would be forever lost. So carefully, she laid her final plans. She gathered in the power of the silver leaves; building with them a great magic that would save the last remnant of her beloved woods.

Long she labored; but at last, her hand was readied. She poured the magic of the silvered leaves over the last refuge of the creatures of her domain. Thus she created the realm of Faerie which she took beyond the reach of man.

The price, however, was high. The silver leached from the leaves and henceforth the trees were mantled all in green - the color of hope. But the Queen of Silver Leaf was content, for here in one small corner of time, magic did still abide. And sometimes, of a day, Faerie could still be found nestled in the glades of summer.


 by Zandra Cole

They always say the first step to getting over an addiction is to realize what your problem is. For me, though, its not really a problem. But here it goes. I am addicted to Renaissance Faires.  I love them. I wish I could live my every day life in that time period. I feel so out of place in the 20th century. I need to be in Ireland living in my castle in the medieval ages.

Good Morrow Lords and Ladies,
 I am Lady mïalee Naïlo, a  member of the International Wench's Guild. Local Chapter 57, Wench's of Many Flavors. I inhabit the lovely land of Silver Leaf as well as numerous other locations such as Grand Valley University and Bristol. I am a fiery red-head of elven descent, and I am quite gifted with the art of song, playing the tinwhistle, and well, my dangerously intoxicating charm... I acompany Mother Goose, and   the one everyone likes to refer to as "Whip Girl", but I know who she really is, Mistress Pyre. 


2003 Renaissance Faire List (Keep an eye open for me at these events)
*April 26th 2003- June 8th 2003 (Fairburn GA)
*Western Michigan Renaissance Festival July 5th-6th 2003 (Ludington MI)
*Great Lakes Medieval Faire July 5th 2003- August 10th 2003( Trumbull OH)
*Last 3 Weekends of July- Silver Leaf Renaissance Faire (Comstock/Galesburg MI)
*Michigan Renaissance Festival August 16th 2003-September 28, 2003
*Grand Valley State University Renaissance Festival
October 4th-5th 2003 (Allendale, MI)
If you have any to add, e-mail me at



Silver Leaf Renaissance Faire