The Forgotten Realm of The Mystical April of Niles
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These are some of my all time favorite links in the whole wide world. Click on them, you know you want to!!!!
Oh, and if you're majorly into D&D, then this link is for you. Another awesome link from Dean's site, find out what D&D character you are! I am a Chaotic Evil Elf Ranger


Here is the link to one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world, Larissa. She has some pretty interesting stuff on this site of hers, including a horrid picture of yours truly!

Every July my friends and I spend three weekends(the last three) at the Silver Leaf Renaissance Faire as performers. Check out its site, you'll be glad you did! Come live the magic of Silver Leaf!

Silver Leaf Renaissance Faire


If you're looking for a Renaissance Festival close to your area. Have no fear and look here!

And last but not least. Find out how pure you are when it comes to Renaissance Faires. I found this quiz on Larissa's boyfriend Dean's website, its great and I am 10.3% pure! Making me a "Renaissance Faire Addict"Scary!