The Forgotten Realm of The Mystical April of Niles
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A Tribute to Rascal Von Hascal


Rascal Von Hascal (Mitchell)
May 4th, 1996- August 21st, 2003

R.I.P. our floppy-eared four-legged friend, devoted pet, and loving family member. We miss you!
 "I see Cernunnos before me with his outstretched hand,
I know now the end is on its way.
To frolic now in Summerland,
I must leave this world today.
  Please, mom, don't cry for me,
I know I'll be ok.
Soon my soul will be flying free,
but back to you I'll someday find a way.
  'Tis a good and honorable deed you do,
letting me rest in peace.
Good karma will return to bless you,
all bad times, they will cease.
  Please play with my toys and sticks,
and chew on them now and again.
Teach your new dogs my old tricks,
I'll make sure they're as faithful as me until the very end.
  Without you, mom and dad, I will feel lost.
Your happiness was and is my immediate goal.
You know I'd never hurt you, not at any cost,
I will always be with you in heart, mind, and soul."
-April Mitchell, Aug 21st, 2003

get this gear!

Care to share a memory you have of Rascal? Care to send a caring message to the family? Here is where you can do so. Just send feedback! I'll post them on the site with the poem that I have yet to type on here.

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